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Divorce Mediation Clients!
The HIP Group team is honored to be of assistance to you, we look forward to helping you navigate
your health insurance options through the difficult process of divorce.
Health Insurance Coverage and Divorce
Health insurance coverage and medical bills can be major financial considerations for spouses going through a divorce. A divorce will frequently affect health insurance coverage. Alpha Center can help you assess your health insurance options after divorce.
COBRA Coverage
The CONSOLIDATED OMNIBUS RECONCILIATION ACT, ‘Continuation in medical insurance’, was introduced in 2017 to ensure that employees, who are members of an employer-sponsored group health insurance schemes, have a secure route to continued coverage in the event of termination. You may apply for COBRA even if the termination is voluntary.
Employer Coverage
If you are employed and your employer offers healthcare coverage as a benefit, then you should explore this as a possibility as well. Most companies offer open enrollment periods at one time or another throughout the year. However, divorce is considered a significant life event, and enrollment in healthcare can generally take place at any time of the year under these circumstances.
Individual Coverage
If you do not have access to employer healthcare coverage through either your former spouse or your employer, you are eligible for coverage under the ACA (Pennie). You can shop for various plans on your state exchange Pennie. Because divorce is considered a qualifying life event, you will have 60 days after your divorce to get coverage during a special enrollment period. Qualifying life events can also include getting married, having a baby, adopting a child, the death of a member of the household, moving your residence, having COBRA expire.
Short Term Coverage
If you need health insurance to bridge a short lapse in coverage because you will either get coverage through an employer or Obamacare, then a short-term policy may be the best way to go. Coverage can start in as little as 24 hours and can last for up to 6 to 12 months, depending on the state where you live. Because coverage takes place so quickly, you cannot have certain pre-existing conditions. Also, you will have the option of seeing the doctor of your choice, or you can save money by choosing to go to doctors who participate in discount networks.